Technews 4 everyone: Things that happen in Facebook every 20 minutes

Things that happen in Facebook every 20 minutes

The company of analysis Democracy UK has published a report having shelled that is what happens in the popular social network.

Exists life beyond the updates of the profile and the wall? What happens when we are not connected? Luckyly, to mitigate that anxiety, the company of analysis Democracy UK has published a report having shelled that is what every twenty minutes happen in the popular social network. We summarize: a million connections share, 1.32 million photographies are labeled, 1.48 million invitations to events are sent and 1.59 million commentaries are postean in the walls. The thing does not finish here and 1.85 million states are updated, they rise near three million photos by near five million sent messages and finally 10.21 million commentaries are realised. And already. The analysis of Democracy UK also gathers that the celebrity that has liked more in Facebook has been freak of Lady Gaga. Well by her.
Source: Democracy UK


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