Technews 4 everyone: Yahoo! could integrate content of Walt Disney

Yahoo! could integrate content of Walt Disney

In the present fight to integrate content of television transmitters and producers in the services of the main vestibules of Internet, Yahoo! it is in talks with the creative house of Mickey Mouse that could take step to be able to see series of television of Disney from Yahoo Connected TV. It consults all the details. The finder is in negotiations with Walt Disney to integrate its contents in the vestibule, perhaps and to take shape, it is time only question so that in Yahoo! we find some episode classic of Mickey Mouse or chapters of its famous series. Yahoo! is betting like Google and Apple by the digital television, reason why not only the eye has thrown him to Disney, but to ESPN and ABC the same, according to affirmations of Wall Street Journal. This news is added to the negotiations that YouTube with Miramax is having, and those of Samsung Electronics with 20th Century Fox.

Source: PC World


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