Technews 4 everyone: Rebecca Black the sensation of Youtube and twitter

Rebecca Black the sensation of Youtube and twitter

Video in which she appears a girl singing to him to the weekend has more than 20 million visits in spite of being catalogued like the worse one of history.“It was Thursday Yesterday, today it is Friday, oh! Friday (celebration), tomorrow Saturday and soon will arrive Sunday”, says the peculiar song of the adolescent Rebecca Black, who already is compared with Justin Bieber because its video has 20 million visits in YouTube and it was positioned like Trending Topic in Twitter. But, it did how it? This it is a great mystery, since thousand as cybernauts and specialists of music they have labeled to video, call “Friday,” like the worse one of all the history. Until the magazine `Rolling erased it to Stone' of “extraordinarily stupid”. Before this, the singer of 13 years showed his inconvenience. “When I saw all those disagreeable commentaries, I cried… I do not create to be worse nor the best singer of the world”, maintained. To so short age, it is perhaps not prepared for the consequences of the exhibition degree that reached.

It is important to indicate that Youtube has been a platform to send new artists, people of the anything has become celebrities of Internet, or by comic his videoblogs, to make cover of a famous song, etc. All deserve an opportunity. See the video .

Source info: Google news 


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