Technews 4 everyone: Google+ ya tiene juegos

Google+ ya tiene juegos

A casi un mes y medio de que Google+ se lanzara al mercado de las redes sociales (en especial para hacerle frente a Facebook). Y siendo un servicio en estado de prueba con unos 20 millones de usuarios ( corrijan si la cifra es equivocada). Google+ ya tiene un botón para accesar a una plataforma de diferentes juegos, así se puede ver en el Blog Oficial de Google

Official Google Blog: Games in Google+: fun that fits your schedule 

cita textual

Today we’re adding games to Google+. With the Google+ project, we want to bring the nuance and richness of real-life sharing to the web. But sharing is about more than just conversations. The experiences we have together are just as important to our relationships. We want to make playing games online just as fun, and just as meaningful, as playing in real life.

That means giving you control over when you see games, how you play them and with whom you share your experiences. Games in Google+ are there when you want them and gone when you don’t. When you’re ready to play, the Games page is waiting—click the games button at the top of your stream. You can see the latest game updates from your circles, browse the invites you’ve received and check out games that people you know have played recently. The Games page is also where your game accomplishments will appear. So you can comfortably share your latest high score—your circles will only see the updates when they’re interested in playing games too.

If you’re not interested in games, it’s easy to ignore them. Your stream will remain focused on conversations with the people you care about.

You’ll have a fun initial set of games to play with on Google+. Thanks to the developers who’ve worked with us to make them available:

Google+ quiere darle a sus usuarios una experiencia verdaderamente on-line. El usuario que decida usar este servicio podrá recomendar los juegos que ha jugado, a la vez compartirá sus puntuaciones en los diferentes juegos y recomendar a sus circulos los juegos más populares. También existe la opción para los que son desarrolladores de juegos y estan interesados pueden aprender más en Google+ developer blog.

 Si ya tienes un perfil en Google+ cuentános tu experiencia al usar Google+ Games

Si todavía no tienes Google+ Technews4everyone blog te regala una invitación para que pruebes está plataforma social

Source: Official Google Blog

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