Technews 4 everyone: Now the celebrities are hung of “Ping”

Now the celebrities are hung of “Ping”

To only days of which Apple sent Ping, its new social network, artists like Lady Gaga, Shakira, U2, Juans, Coldplay, Katy Perry, Daddy Yankee system, Pearl Jam, Linkin Park and Taylor Swift already they comprise of this platform and of immediate way they managed to have thousands of followers. Not to lose the custom, Lady Gaga, controverted the singing New Yorker is until now the one that more followers it has: 235 thousands 559, whereas in Twitter managed to be the queen with his more than five million of followers. But Coldplay does not remain back, reached at the time of abrir its account in the social network of Apple, 203 thousand 259 followers; on the other hand U2, the famous Irish band, managed to reunite to 187 thousand 710 followers in its profile. And although until now only there are three Latin musicians, Shakira, Juans and Daddy Yankee system, the number of fans is not far from negligible, she has 99 thousands 406; the interpreter of “A God I ask to him”, 9 thousands 056 and the reggaetonero, 11 thousands 035. But, of what Ping consists? The site allows users to construct to friendly networks and professional musicians, of form similar to Twitter. The service, in addition, constructs lists of reproduction based on which the friendly are listening. For the specialists, Ping is a challenge for the social networks existing cradles in music, like MySpace. For the lovers of music In agreement with an official notice of the company/signature with it soothes in Cupertino, in the first 48 hours, the new social network of the Apple company had more of a million registries of users, number who hope to continue increasing with the launching of iOS 4,1 for iPhone. “A third of the people who have lowered iTunes 10 has united to Ping”, assured Eddy Cue, vice-president of services of Internet for Apple, that added that they hope that “the Ping community continues growing” in the next weeks, in agreement the users are unloading the new version of the music software. Although the delegated advisor of Apple said in the presentation that Ping will help to discover artists, the interchange of lists and the recommendations between users without a doubt will make agile the market of sales online. Arming Grouse, spokesman of Apple, it said to BOX that the objective of this tool is that the Mexicans can share information on their musical preferences, the possibility even of knowing the next concert the artist and in the future, to connect the part to buy tickets. “The idea also is that the singers collaborated in this project, responding to the questions that people will do to them when following them”, she aimed. It added that a requirement important to be in Ping, is that they unload iTunes 10 in any computer. The key point of the diffusion For Luis Miguel Martinez Cervantes, investigator and doctor of the Latin American University, every day the famous ones adopt the social networks like part of their musical strategy, since they are a public space by far for the diffusion of his activities. “It is necessary to remember the phenomenon of MySpace, that during long time was the great social network for them and who turned exactly around music. All wanted to have an account in this site, but it grew as much, that the singers migrated to Facebook, although this page only allows to create the Fan, so there was no great interaction; soon they went to Twitter and today they filter its new discs this way, like Shakira”. According to Martinez Cervantes, the point at which we are arriving is that the pages Web that before were created for the musicians are disappearing to integrate themselves to the social networks.


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