Technews 4 everyone: Skype and Facebook confirm integration

Skype and Facebook confirm integration

The Skype platform confirms the integration of Facebook in his more recent version. The new Skype will include the updates of the contacts in the social network, ensure communications between the users of this community. The platform also indicates that it improved the image and the quality of the service of calls, as much of voice as of video, as well as of the instantaneous mail and the interchange of data and archives. With integration now it is possible: * To see your contacts of Facebook from Skype without having to enter the page of the social network directly. * To update your state, which also could be visualized like a message of state in Skype. * To comment in the updates of your contacts from the platform. * To call and to send messages to your contacts of Facebook to its cellular telephones. Finally, the new Skype will count on a “wall”, seemed to the application of Facebbok, that could be updated and be seen by your contacts, in addition will include indications of all the new integrated functions.


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