Technews 4 everyone: Amazon blocks to WikiLeaks; it denies EU pressure

Amazon blocks to WikiLeaks; it denies EU pressure

The company of electronic commerce maintained the Internet site available after hackers tried to flood it with requests on watch. WikiLeaks said that now it has his information lodged in servants in Inc. said Thursday that it stopped lodging the site in Internet of WikiLeaks, that published classified information sensible of the Government of the United States, but denied that it has been result of the pressure of the legislators. " There have been reports envelope that an investigation of the Government took to us not to serve more to WikiLeaks. That is impreciso" , it said the company in an official notice. " Also there have been reports envelope that had to great attacks DDOS (of refusal on watch). That is not precise either. In fact there were great attacks DDOS, but we defended ourselves successfully against them" , it added. Amazon said that it stopped lodging the site of Internet of WikiLeaks so that it violated his terms on watch, not due to an investigation of the Commission of Inner Security of the Senate of the United States motivated by the annoyance that produced the revelation of thousand of documents classified of the Government of the United States. Personnel of the president of the commission, Joe Lieberman, had interrogated Tuesday to Amazon on its relation with WikiLeaks and called to other companies that offer services of lodging of data to boycott to the Web site. WikiLeaks went to Amazon to maintain its site of Internet available after hackers tried to flood it with requests on watch and to avoid that other users acceded to the classified information. WikiLeaks said that now it has his information lodged in servants in Europe. In its official notice of Thursday, Amazon said that their Services Web Amazon (AWS, by its abbreviation in English) rent computer science infrastructure in a supermarket base. AWS does not realise previous studies of their clients, but it has terms on watch that must be fulfilled. " WikiLeaks was not fulfilling them. There are several parts that were violando" , it said the company. For example, it said that under his terms on watch, a client must guarantee that she owns or she controls all the rights of the content and that the use of that content will not bring about damages to some person or organization. " It is clear that WikiLeaks does not own or controls all the rights of the contents clasificados" , Amazon said. " He is not credible that the extraordinary volume of 250,000 classified documents that WikiLeaks is publishing can carefully be written up of way like is guaranteed that they do not put to innocent people in peligro" , it added. Amazon said that in four years all data type in Has had to hundreds of thousands of clients storing. " Some of these data are controverted, and that is perfectly well. But, when the companies or people to look for to protect and to keep great amount from data that are not legally of them, and publish these data without assuring that they will not damage to others, is a violation of our terms of services, and they must go to operate to another one parte" , he added. WikiLeaks criticized to Amazon to block its site, saying through the social network Twitter that if Amazon were " so uncomfortable with the First Amendment (of the Constitution of the United States), they would have to leave the business of selling books".

Source Info: Google News


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