Technews 4 everyone: Assange defends in chat filtrations of WikiLeaks

Assange defends in chat filtrations of WikiLeaks

The founder of the site WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, denied that the filtration of more than 250 thousand secret cables of the Department of State of the EU represents a risk for the North American agents or soldiers as well as for the informants of other countries that collaborate with Washington. In chat organized by the English newspaper The Guardian, the Australian said to the readers no whom in the four years of history of WikiLeaks a single case in that have been some person has been hurt as a result of documents developings by the site. " There have been no credible arguments, still of organizations like the Pentagon, on a single person who has been harmed as a result of ours actividades" , Assange to one of the readers of the newspaper responded. After several minutes of delay by the amount of people who colapsaron the site of The Guardian when trying to accede to the digital interview with Assange, also the publisher of WikiLeaks said that he has taken the necessary precautions before any risk that can run as a result of the filtrations. " We are taking the appropriate precautions whenever possible when we are dealing with superpoder" , it aimed. Like guarantee, Assange noticed that it owns additional information to already filtered and that it has distributed enters more than 100 thousand people around the world. The data, that are encriptados, could be abiertos if to him or some other member of WikiLeaks happens something to them. On the digital wall that is undergone WikiLeaks on the part of several countries where their servants lodged, Assange said that from 2007 deliberately it has lodged the site in places where contradictions can appear on the part of those who defend the freedom of expression and they limit at the same time it. " Amazon is one of these casos" , it indicated. This Amazon week stopped welcoming the page of WikiLeaks that operated from its servants in the EU, which brought about the reaction of the site led by Assange that considered the decision of Amazon like " a blow bajo". Questioned on the critics that have received on the part of those who consider that its work does not correspond to the work of a journalist, Assange said that it is not necessary to discuss if he or the other members of WikiLeaks is journalists or not and, on the contrary, she emphasized the work of those who have sent to the site documents filtered from 2006. " We have tried to emphasize to our sources, that are those that really risks and without whose efforts the journalists would not be nada" , it referred. Assange said that, in the presumed case that American soldier Bradley Manning is the person in charge of the filtrations since has assured the Pentagon, " it is, certainly, heroes without equal". 

Source Info: El


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