Technews 4 everyone: Facebook recognizes and labels friendly faces in your photos

Facebook recognizes and labels friendly faces in your photos

Blog official of Facebook announced the automatic friendly labelling in your photos. The new technology already could be used by some whichever users of the social network. Looking for to simplify the way to put labels in the photos (that reach to being around 100 million per day), Facebook has announced the new auotetiquetado opcción of. This consists of an outpost technology that scans in the photos that you raise and will detect the faces of your friendly, giving the option automatically to place the label to him that corresponds to him. The privacy of those who automatically do not want to be taggeados could be respected. It is only enough to deactivate the option in the privacy configuration and Facebook will stop suggesting your name so that it is labelling in the photos of your friendly.

Source Info: Facebook


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