Technews 4 everyone: Google Body Browser

Google Body Browser

ideal for medicine students, to teach anatomy smallest and all that one that wants to learn, Google proposes an application that explores the interior of the human body Google adds a new service to his already concurred rows: a virtual explorer who allows to analyze, to study and to cross the interior of the human body, the Google Body Browser. One is an application that shows a human body in three dimensions and allows to change from a layer to another one between skin, bones and organs. During the exploration the zoom lens can be maximized to appreciate details and to identify the different systems from the organism. In addition, Google Body Browser has an intelligent system search, that allows to cross it by key word. At the moment, this application is available only in English, and requires for its use the installation of the graphical motor WebGL for explorers 4 Firefox and the last version of Google Chrome.

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