Technews 4 everyone: Mark Zuckerberg personage of the year " Time"

Mark Zuckerberg personage of the year " Time"

The founder of Facebook receives the recognition by his capacity to connect to more than 500 million people in the world.

The magazine “Time” has decided to choose to Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, like Personage of the Year. The recognition, according to informs this publication, awards its capacity to connect to more than 500 million people in the world and by to have changed our lives. The Zuckerberg young person, just by 26 years, has dominated itself three competing forts: the “Tea Party”, the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, that has been chosen the person of the year by the readers, Karzai and the miners of Chile. Richard Stengel, publisher of the publication, is outstanding the paper of the more popular social platform of the planet: “Facebook is something that is transforming the way into which we lived nowadays”. “It is social engineering, is changing the form in which we were related”. Mark Zuckerberg is the second younger person in receiving this “Time” recognition after Charles Lindbergh, the aviator of 25 years who was the first Person of the Year of the magazine in 1927. Secondly, it was the “Tea Party”, movement of cuts to conservative led by the ex- candidate to the vice-presidency of the United States Palin SARAH. The third party was Assange and, finally, in fourth position Afghan president, Hamid Karzai was placed, whereas fifth they were the 33 catched Chilean miners who were more of a month in a mine before being rescued.

Source Info: Time Magazine


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