Technews 4 everyone: Tomorrow they leave on sale 100,000 actions Facebook

Tomorrow they leave on sale 100,000 actions Facebook

The social network Facebook continues breaking records. The same day that Mark Zuckerberg is chosen " the person of año" by the Time magazine, Forbes made public that tomorrow will leave on sale, by means of deprived auction, 100,000 actions of the social network to a price of US$ 23. This supposes to value the company in US$ 43,000 million, more than they are worth in the market companies of the stature of Yahoo (US$ 22,210 million) and eBay (US$ 39,690 million). In the last Facebook year, or like company, idea or forms to be related, has colonized Internet. The social network is the looked for word more in Google, to which already surpasses like better company to work. His cofounder is ' Personage of year , the most influential person of 2010, the richer young man of the world and his life has inspired a film that is name to six Gold Globes. Far from to let itself devour by ' monstruo' that it has created, Zuckeberg is one of the 17 millionaires who integrate the philanthropic project put in march by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. With this curriculum, who would not want to comprise of its company, even if it is only like shareholder? Considered as one of jewels of crown Valley the Silicone, Facebook does not leave to stock market until 2012. The data that Forbes handles come from a mail sent by SharesPost to a private investor. In that mail, to which the magazine would have had access, the page Web explains that the action sale will be carried out by means of by means of " supplies selladas" and it will only be accessible to " investors acredits".

Source Info: Google News


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