Technews 4 everyone: YouTube releases the thursday Life in a day

YouTube releases the thursday Life in a day

Many which wait for Life in Day will soon have their reward when being released tomorrow Thursday in Sundance and YouTube. The life in a day (Life in Day), thus is as it is calld translated will allow his director to give his point of view with a short one of about 90 minutes and where they will pass hundreds of people. Different users will appear in him question of second and in addition they will have a good memory when appearing in the credits of end and without forgetting its image. Life in Day is a project which has made Kevin McDonald like director, Ridley Scott like executive producer and Joe Walker in the edition. The contributions have to do with the real life and we will be able to be identified in the hour and a half rolled by the three geniuses before mentioned of the cinema. A good bet to give us to know and to leave the anonymity with this well-known film, Life in Day already.

Source info: noticias 2D


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