Technews 4 everyone: Green peace challenges to Facebook to stop using electricity from the burning fire of the coal

Green peace challenges to Facebook to stop using electricity from the burning fire of the coal

Greenpeace challenges to Facebook to be ecological for the Day of the Earth (22 of April); it defies to the social network to stop using electricity generated from the coal burning fire. Kumi Naidoo, executive director of Greenpeace the International, met with Randi Zuckerberg, director of marketing of Facebook, within the framework of World-wide the Economic Forum of Davos, where it gave to a letter commitment him directed to his Mark brother, CEO of the company. It will have to sign the denominated IDEA 22 of April, being committed itself thus a: • To increase the use of clean energy on the part of Facebook; • To develop a plan to mitigate the impact that the operation of Facebook has in the climate and to totally leave of side the use of the coal for 2021; • To educate to the users of Facebook on the origin of the electricity that uses this company to provide its services, and; • To plead for the clean energies at local, national and international level. Facebook: you are not coal (Facebook: unfriend coal), is the name of the campaign that already counts on around 10 thousand 500 thousand people endorse who it.

Image: Greenpeace  

Source: Greenpeace


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