Technews 4 everyone: You already can lend your electronic books

You already can lend your electronic books

Amazon innovates with the system of virtual book loan. Yes, now if purchases a virtual book you can lend it to a friend. The service will be available before it finishes east year and it will count on a realistic method of " lend"Amazon announced its service of book loans by means of its electronic book reader, Kindle. In order to be able to lend your books that you have acquired, first you must have a Kindle with e-book in him. If you like to lend a book, your friend must have another Kindle device and you will be able to share it by a lapse of 14 days. The peculiar thing, and that gives a realism touch him to this system, is that while you have lent your book, you will not be able to consult it until they give back it to you or spends the time decided. Not yet there is a specific date to when it is possible to be had this virtual loan, but Amazon assured that it will begin to give this service before the year finishes. The popularity of digital books has been increased years in the last, and it is hoped that she is still more fruitful with the appearance of tablet PC like the Playbook, Samsung Galaxy; between many others.


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