Technews 4 everyone: In search of the particle of God; revealing the secrets of the universe

In search of the particle of God; revealing the secrets of the universe

The famous machine of the Big Bang of the European Center of Investigación Nuclear (CERN) registered great advances in the land of the modern physics since it began to work this year with an experiment in the Great Hadron Collider. The great adventure of the physics began in past March when under great pressure and in front of the eyes of journalists worldwide, two beams of billions of protons each, accelerated at speed next to the one of the light, collided by the round tunnel of 27 kilometers installed to 100 meters under earth in Geneva. Between applause and exclamations of joy the great day for the CERN arrived after 20 years of investigation, 10 billions of Euros and the work of about 10 thousand scientists worldwide. Among them an equipment of more than 40 Mexican scientists led by Gerald Herrera Corral, of the Research center and Advanced Study (CINVESTAV), and Arthur Hernandez Téllez of the Independent University of Puebla (UAP). Months later, the experiment that it looks for to unravel the mysteries of the origin of the universe broke its own record when duplicating the collision number of particles per second. In June, the CERN informed that the collider broke record generating near 10 thousand shocks per second, more and more approaches which it its objective to include/understand the origin of the matter. The physicist Andrei Golutvin of the Great Hadron Collider (LHC, by its abbreviations in English) assured that this new record supposes the beginning of a new stage turns that it into the most important and powerful particle collider of the world. The scientists hope to find a particle well-known subatomics like the boson of Higgs, the call ' particle of Dios' , that would explain why the matter has mass. " Whatever more collisions we obtain, more close we will be of the supersymmetry, the dark matter, the modern boson of Higgs and other problems of física" , it assured the scientist. In November, the Great Collider managed to recreate its first “mini Big Bang” with temperatures million times hotter than those of the center of the sun. This way, more data were collected on the plasma del that was made the Universe millionth of second after Big Bang, makes about 13 thousand 700 million years and study their later evolution until forming the type of matter that composes the universe that we know. With this, the famous “machine of Big Bang” gave by finalized its stage of work with protons and it focused in experiments with heavy ions - electron undressed lead atoms which abrió a new one via of exploration for the research program of the LHC. Few weeks later the powerful machine of Big Bang revealed new data on the existing matter at the first moments of life of the universe describing it like “an inviscid fluid”. “To less than three weeks of to have started up the three experiments with lead ion collisions in the LHC, these already they have given a new perspective on the matter that would have existed at the first moments of life of the Universe” revealed CERN. One of the first observations of the experiment STAKES OUT that it is optimized for the heavy ion study, has been able to notice that in those first moments, the very hot and dense Universe besides being behaved like a liquid. The documents of STAKE OUT confirmed that the plasma much more warms up produced in the LHC behaves like a liquid of the very low viscosity, “an inviscid fluid”, in accordance with previous observations of collider RHIC of Brookhaven. “Altogether, these results already have discarded some theories about how the fundamental Universe behaved”, it evaluated CERN. " The express is impressive that the experiments have reached these results, that so take care of a land of the physics complejo" , it affirmed the director of Investigation of the CERN, Sergio Bertolucci. Finally, in December a team of European scientists informed into the creation and antihydrogen atom capture in a new magnetic trap that, which will direct they consider them to solve one of the majors mysteries of science: the composition of the antimatter. This last advance has been followed very close by international the scientific community since the antimatter is considered like a potential limitless and imminently gratuitous power plant. " With these alternative methods to produce and finally to study antihydrogen, the antimatter will not be able to continue hiding its properties much more during tiempo" , it affirmed Yasunori Yamazaki, scientist of the equipment that obtained this last advance. The scientists think that after the explosion of Big Bang it appeared the same amount of antimatter or neutral matter that of conventional matter, substance of all the visible one in the universe, including the Earth life. Before the pause of vacations of winter Rolf Heuer, director of the CERN congratulated itself because the discoveries of the LHC have been generated “at a great speed” and hoped in 2011 to continue the adventure than already the scientific experiment of the century is considered “”.

Source Information: Notimex


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