Technews 4 everyone: Play Station Move of Sony already has sold 4,1 million units

Play Station Move of Sony already has sold 4,1 million units

According to the same company, the control mechanism similar to the one of Nintendo Wii already exceeded the four million units sold in only weeks, although the count system that used is a little different from the one from its Microsoft competitor. In only six weeks the new control of SONY PlayStation 3 reached the 4,1 million sales The Japanese company makes the sales public of its peripheral one of movement after six weeks of its launching. This information occurred to know after Microsoft communicated that, according to its counts, Kinect has sold more than two million Kinect devices, although is possible to stand out that the difference of prices of both equipment has much what to see in the results of sales. Another one of the data that there are to have presents is that Sony takes into account the acquisitions that have pitched the tent retail, in comparison of Microsoft that enters the sold units to end users. 

Source Info: PC World


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