Technews 4 everyone: Test what social network you are? according to your personality

Test what social network you are? according to your personality

The social networks already are part of the daily life, are like the telephone indispensable to communicate to us. It answers this funny test to know what social network you are according to your personality.If you like the test share it by means of the button " To share in twitter" or " To share in facebook" underneath this post:

1.I have many friendly and I am very sociable  a) Facebook b) Twitter c) Skype d) other social network

2.I have an own business and I am very worker  a) Facebook b) Twitter c) Skype d) other social network

3.I share photos with my friendly I label and them in  a) Facebook b) Twitter c) Skype d) other social network

4.My electronic mail fills of the updates of my friendly in a) Facebook b) Twitter c) Skype d) other social network

5.Encounter friend who comes from visit in the city by means of a) Facebook b) Twitter c) Skype d) other socialnetwork

6.I have more than 200 friendly in  a) Facebook b) Twitter c) Skype d) other social network

7.I take 1 to follower when my account has been 1 month  a) Facebook b) Twitter c) Skype d) other social network

8. Use the videoconferences to speak with my friendly a) Facebook b) Twitter c) Skype d) other social network

9.All comment my status  a) Facebook b) Twitter c) Skype d) other social network

10.I discuss subjects of the moment in a) Facebook b) Twitter c) Skype d) other social network


if you answered majority a) you are facebook you are sociable you have many friendly and these in contact with your friendships

if you answered majority b) you are to twitter you are an important executive, or perhaps a celebrity, or simply you have an account by hobbie. You use this social network to learn of different subjects, these very informed and perhaps you inform. Well by you!
if you answered majority c) you are you use skype it to treat subjects when these far

if you answered majority a) you are to other social network you do not worry uses the resources available
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